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Abigail Miller Haines Jasmine Haines Abigail Miller Haines Jasmine Haines


Thirteen months after the birth of her older sister, Abigail Miller Haines came into this world in Hallowell, Maine, on May 10, 1830. Not much information of her life has been discovered so far, so we are left to speculate about much of it. Given the period and location that she lived in, though, it is highly likely that she and her family lived in a simple environment that was cold in the winter and had numerous pests roaming about, especially during warmer weather. There were no indoor toilets or running water. Food would have been largely what the family could produce themselves in the summer and preserve for the non-growing season.

There are some vague clues that Abigail may not have moved with her family to Fort Fairfield. Instead, she may have moved to the Salem, Massachusetts, area during her teenage years.

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