Relevant Links

History of Fort Fairfield:

The History of Fort Fairfield and Biographical Sketches and Illustrations by Caleb Ellis (1894) is available online.

Book pages 73-76 have the story of JW Haines settlement in the Maple Grove area. Book pages 273-276 contain the history of Friends Church. Lastly, book pages 341-345 contain the history of the Haines Family, listing the children of JW and Mary Haines and their lives.

Interactive Map of Haines Maple Grove Cemetery:

An aerial view and interactive map of Haines Maple Grove Cemetery can be found at History in Stones. This site is the result of the work of Prof. Kim Sebold of the University of Maine at Presque Isle.

Interactive map of 1877 Fort Fairfield:

Dr. Sebold managed a project to superimpose an 1877 Colby and Row map of Fort Fairfield on a contemporary aerial view of the town, plus added 1870 agricultural census data on it. See it at Map of Fort Fairfield.

More history of Central Aroostook:

Hit this link to access more history of towns in Central Aroostook and data of their cemeteries, including Union and St. Denis Cemetery in Fort, courtesy of the University of Maine at Presque Isle.

History of Agriculture in Aroostook County

The Haines family history in Aroostook County is heavily shaped by agriculture. Justin Howe wrote two papers under the supervision of Kimberly R. Sebold, PhD, professor of history and political science at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. One is entitled A Survey of the Garden of Maine in the 19th Century. In case you have not guessed, Aroostook County is the “garden of Maine.” The other paper of interest is The First One Hundred Years of Agriculture in Aroostook County.

Haines Family History

The early history of the Haines family in North America was published in 1902. It is available online for free. Deacon Samuel Haines and His Descendants in America 1635-1901. See Samuel Haines (1611-1686) story starting book page 19; Mathias Haines (1650-1688) page 26; Samuel Haines (1674-1729) page 30; John Haines (1707-1777) page 41; John Haines (1738-1809) page 70; Daniel Haines (1779-1838) page 108; and Joseph Wingate Haines (1805-1876) page 213.

Oral History: Interview of Rommy Haines Sr. 1971-72

Rommy Haines Sr interview by Helen Atchison gives great detail about the settlement of the Maple Grove area and the impact of Wingate Haines in the area’s early years. The audio can be heard from the University of Maine Folger Library.